Thursday Nights are our weekly
on-campus worship gatherings
where we engage teachings from the bible around relevant topics for university students.

It's a place where everyone is welcome, seeking to know Jesus is prioritized, and authentic relationships are valued.

When: Thursdays 6:00-8:30pm Beginning May 9, 2024

Where: Various Locations

SIGN UP LINK: Get Connected this summer


SUmmer ucm 2024: A study on daniel

If you are staying in Kelowna this summer, we'd love for you to stay connected! We have created a WhatsApp group chat to communicate plans for Summer UCM, starting May 9th at 6 p.m., and going every Thursday night through May and June. We'll be meeting at different locations (houses, parks, etc.) doing potluck dinners, a Bible study on the book of Daniel, and will communicate where we'll be and what to bring each week on this group chat. Add your WhatsApp contact in the form above!