Multi-Faith Space in UNC 316
To find UBCO’s Multi-faith Space, head to the 3rd floor the UNC (University Centre Building), turn right and then left (opposite of the washrooms) and you'll find Room 316. You are welcome to use the room for drop-in prayer or join us for one of our scheduled prayer times (see below).
Renovation Update: The room is now equipped with a sliding divider curtain. The bookable space is the space behind the curtain, that includes the windows. The drop-in prayer space is the space you see as soon as you enter the room. The moveable wall stands can be configured to create privacy, if you like, in the drop-in space.
Prayer Meeting Drop-in (UCM & P2C)
Where: UNC 316 A
When: Mondays, 2:00-2:30pm
Dates: Jan 20 - Apr 07, 2025
Join us at our weekly prayer meeting in collaboration with Power to Change (P2C). Each week we take 10 mins to reflect on a passage of scripture. Then we share prayer requests and then pray for those requests. Everyone is welcome to participate or just sit-in and observe on your first time.
If you have any questions, you can contact Steph at
The Multi-Faith Space (UNC 316)
The Multi-Faith Space was created to welcome the diverse spiritual and multi-faith practices of the UBC Okanagan campus community. It is available for use Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 9 pm.
The room can be used for a variety of spiritual and religious practices, including: group or individual prayer, meditation and contemplation, group studies on spiritual or religious topics, conversation with other students or a spiritual mentor.
If you would like to use the space, please remember to:
respect the space: leave the room as you found it
respect the beliefs of others: do not criticize the beliefs of others nor force your beliefs onto others
A booking calendar for the room will soon become available. For more information on the Multi-Faith Space contact