Retreat away to ignite your year on campus. Our Camping Retreat is one of the best ways to meet a load of new friends and be inspired to live on mission at UBCO. By getting away from campus for a weekend we hope to bring clarity and a Christ-centered focus to your academic year. You will experience the outdoors, worship by the campfire, have moments to escape for solitude and prayer, play epic wide area games, eat delicious s'mores and other camp food, have time to chill on the water or go for a hike, and have a greater understanding of the life Jesus is calling us to live in our context.
Guest speaker: Marcel Morneau from Oliver, BC.
Location: Camp Dunlop (south Kelowna)
Cost: $20. Yes, only 20 bucks. I know. Good deal, eh! The registration cost can be paid for at the UCM Welcome Table during first week (Sep 2-5), on Sunday Nights (Sep 7 or 14), or at Club's Day on Sep 17.
Accommodations: There are two dorm-style cabins for sleeping indoors. There are 24 spots in each bunk house. One for guys, one for girls. First come, first serve. If you'd like to camp outdoors there are plenty of camping spots on site. You will be responsible to bring your own tent and sleeping pad or you are welcome to sleep under the stars.
Transportation: We be driving cars to the camp. It is about 30 mins drive from UBCO. We will be meeting in H Lot at UBCO on Friday at 5:30pm and carpooling together as a group. If you have a car please include that in the form below. We could use your help driving people to make sure everyone has a ride.
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